I've worked really hard for all of you!!!!
I made an AMV just for you!
and with some Misa-chan's (Colorfully) help it had turned to a great vid but it's still in continue!!!
It's my first video I had made!
Can't wait to show you all!
I'm gonna first make it then publish it on youtube and hope it's very good for others to watch and not steal haha... cause you know.... I worked too hard on it.
I sat on my butt for about five hours just to make about half a minute video and to find the song that me and colorfully made. We didn't make the song but we did edited the video.
So yeah...
Probably gonna post the video this week and please do wait!
My youtube account is ShiroKyoshii haha let me show you the link below~
Subscribe til then please??? Well you can subscribe if you like the video I'm gonna post soon!
It will encourage me to make more videos.
I also was working on my Code Geass video I'm going to make!
Found a song and a few videos to put in it, but I'm gonna publish it on 9/28!!!
aka September 28!
Thank you for visiting!!! Tell others about this website!
Thank you!!!!
~I love you, but you hate me
-Shiro Kyoshii