Sunday, February 27, 2011


Yo! Shiro desu~!
I apoligize,I haven't been posting for a while.Haha.
Well I will tell you something quite weird.
You know how all of us has groups?
I have one!
We ditched lunch and started to wonder around school.Lol.
We were quite scared everytime a teacher caught us.We started to run after we saw the guy councelor and one of my friends fall.She slip because of this red round candy!
We got caught,but all he said was,"You should have walked instead of run."
He wasn't mad at all and he didn't even asked questions.Haha.
So yeah,That's what had happen on friday.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Number The Manga

I was reading mangas lately and Misa-chan here reccomended me a manga called "Number"
Hmmm...isn't the name intresting?
So after reading it I knew that this anime was shounen-ai -blushies- hahahaha jk jk
It's actually a great story and great pictures!!!!!
Credits go to the story writer and the illustrator!!!!!!!
Sooo I was noticing something while reading this.....
people loves to touch No.5 aka Toneriko
I don't quite like it that he kills people for a living but I guess he's cute.
My main favorite character from this manga is....No.1 aka Tekirai
Well...I know we all are supposed to hate,dispise, or something like that at Tekirai ,but he's too adorable to hate.Well to me anyway,but he does remind me of Sebastian Michaelis from an Anime/Manga Kuroshitsuji....(Sorry if the photo is small)
Oh yeah my other main favorite character is.....
He somewhat reminds me of the Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji....
Here's a link if you would like to read the manga,Number
Enjoy and thank you for visiting my blog Shiro-Kyoshii

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Hello Mina~!!!!!
Shiro Desu~!
My friend said that it's ok to love Anime!!!!!
,But she took a late reply on the phone....Oh well!!!!
And I'm thinking I'm obsessing over Anime to her hahaha.
Hmmm...I wonder how you upload pictures on here from your phone.....
Well,I'm just listening to music as I write my own Yaoi stories and draw.
Anyway I'm just learning how to post pictures on here from your cell phone......
Oh yeah....
I now know that....My best friend is also an Otaku!!!!!!!
Isn't it suprising?!?!?!?
Now we both are closer ever since!
Next Plan:
Tell her I like Yaoi Doujinshi.....
Plan A:
Tell her to post things on here.....
Plan B:
We both go to a freaking awsome Anime Store!!!!!
I'm guessing I should create my Yaoi story and post on new page soon.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Code Geass Doujinshi

Hmmm....I don't have any Code Geass yaoi doujinshi to read!!!!
One of them quite scared me a bit....I had a bit of a nightmare but it was gone by then!
I still kept reading my two most favorite ones!
Honey Wedding
Knight Prince
Ah~! They both are so cute!!!!
Which inspired me to create my very own Yaoi Doujinshi!!!!
Hmmm...I will make a new page and type the stories there I guess...LOL.
but....One of my friends now knows I'm an Otaku.....
I wonder what will happen...because it happen after school when I was going to the bus....
My journal fell and opened up to one of my freaking drawing pages!!!!
Why me?!?!?!?!
She picked it up and stared at my drawings......
My heart was racing at that time.....
,but then the buses started their engines meaning we had to go and she gave me my journal back and we went to our own bus....
But since after that.....She wouldn't text back and she wouldn't talk to me...I wonder what would happen at Monday.....
Atleast it's not a secret anymore....I guess...
So yeah....It's like in one of those akward silence moments.....
Yup...I wonder what else I should put here so more viewers/visitors can come 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gomen ne mina!!!!!!
Sorry everyone!!!!!!
I've been a bit busy lately and I had to study just for my school subjects...
Anyway haven't you guys heared about Katsucon?
I did!
I really really really want to go!
,but I can't....I had a student council meeting over the weekends and my parents said I'm going to be pretty busy also....-Sigh!!!!-
Oh yeah!
There are waaaaaay too many drama at my school today.
Well....My friend I call her Cherrypie because that's her nickname,she went into this rude girl!
I don't even know her anymore!
She was mad for no apparent reason! She started to get into that mood after gym class!
And so I just learned that Yarely her real name,was her best friend last year and I took Cherrypie away from her....I felt so sad and then Yarely started to cry.
After that Misa-chan started to cry and then I was about to cry even my best friend Plushie her nicname was about to cry...Really sad but then me and plushie stoped crying and then this girl name Becky,Misa-chan's friend started to get mad that Misa-chan was crying and Becky went over to Emily and started to cuss and bully Cherrypie...By then Cherrypie hasn't been to her classes at all!
When I asked the school counceler if Cherrypie was here today she said,"No.."
I can't believe our school conceler lied to me! Directly in the eye!!!!
I know Cherrypie was at school today! I know she is!!!
And so Plushie,Misa-chan,me made a pack meeting i will explain later...the meeting is like everyday now and we skip lunch just to meet up at our meeting place....
which is...AT THE LIBRARY!!!
so yeah I apoligize for not posting for a while....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

OMG! Today I'm going to a chinese festival!!!!!!!!!!!
It's going to be exciting well I go there every year but only just once a year.
La lalalala
To bad that my best friend cant come because she has her job as a designer.....
unless it was a model....

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Yay! I finally figure out how to put a mixpod on here!!!!
It took me a long time to figure out how to do it!
If you don't like the music and you want me to add a song that you want then please tell me the title and author or you can give me the youtube link for it.
Oh yeah people online kept reccomending Clannad to me and I decided to watch it!
I just wonder if it's a yaoi....Lol.
Cute! >.< lol


Finally Misa-chan posted something.Lol.
Anyway that was Misa-chan~!
I'm just on the computer being cold brrrr it's so cold!
I really have nothing to do....
la di da di da
I'm just gonna go roam all over the place I guess!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted yesterday!
I keep having more and more dumb projects to do...
Plus it finally snowed here!!!!!
and then we don't have school today!!!!!
,but then we are gonna have school on presidents day -pouts-
and now I'm soooo bored.
All I'm just doing is reading awsome really drama stories and hearing music while watching tv xD
I drew so many stuff on the 1 to 2 inches of snow 
You should watch the teen boys on my street.They are like my age and they were just shooting at each other with these hard things from these toy guns and it freaking hurts you if they shoot at you >.<
Lol.They kept shooting at me just to mess with me then i just threw a rock at them.
Later they asked if I wanted to play with them and when I said "Sure"
They handed me a gun with these eye shield glasses and we started to shoot at each other.
Pretty bad idea just to wear a long sleeve shirt with a skirt during cold weather,huh? lol.
We were tired from running away and then we just slid on the snow.
My parents were just working...-sigh-
They are still not home! Dx
Too bad I was the only girl playing....
When the boys invited me into their house we just played video games and they were Otakus!!!!
,but I just kept me being an Otaku a secret....
Anyway I left their house and headed back to my house which was just across the street.
The snow kinda melted so my sign was fading.
I headed back to my house and ran up to my room just to change into something warm and here I am.
Remembering to post stuff on here lol.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sorry I didn't post yesterday!
I was pretty busy studying for History's test!
Well....The studying didn't helped at all!!!!
I just got a 60!
Even on the quiz!
That totally stinks! Hmph!
Oh yeah today I fell down the 20 steps of the stairs!
It hurts but then people around me helped.xD
Mostly my friend's mom.Lol.
She told this person next to me named "Jimmy" to help me up.
Hahaha Jimmy can't even pick my bag up xD
At first I thought it was that my bag was heavy but when I arrived in theater class my shoe lace was untied and it was the one that made me fell.
Oh yeah then in math class there was a substitute and she said my name wrong!
Then everybody started to burst out in laughter!
Now people are making fun of me.
Every time they see me they go like "Ho"
Well so did my other friend laughed!
Not a very good friend.....

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